IoTecha RE+ Recap

September 20, 2023

IoTecha RE+ Recap

We had an electrifying time exhibiting at RE+ last week!

A heartfelt ‘thank you’ to all who stopped by our booth. RE+ was nothing short of fantastic! Here are some of the standout moments:

⚡ A Vibrant Crowd: It was inspiring to see the sheer number of attendees and passionate individuals coming together to explore the renewable energy landscape. We’re thrilled to be a part of such a forward-thinking community.

⚡ Partnering with Charge to Charge: Our collaboration with Charge to Charge was a true highlight. Together, we showcased how EV charging with a seamless payment system is readily available, making sustainable mobility more accessible and convenient than ever.

⚡ Engaging Conversations: From sharing ideas on e-mobility and EV charging infrastructure to discussing the future of renewable energy, every discussion was a step closer to a shared vision of a greener, more sustainable world. We’re excited to explore new opportunities and partnerships that will shape the future.

⚡ Debut of our Visual Column: Last but not least, we were thrilled to debut our visual column, a testament to our commitment to innovation in the renewable energy space. This cutting-edge solution showcases our dedication to providing advanced charging solutions for different use cases that are efficient and reliable.

Thank you for being a part of our RE+ journey!

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