IoTecha at Distributech Day 2
March 5, 2024

Day 2 at #Dtech24 recap – Today, our conversations focused on the transformative power of leveraging EV charging and smart meter infrastructure to improve grid stability and reliability. Working together with SAGEMCOM, we are developing a solution that extends smart meter and EV charging technologies to deliver these grid stabilization goals alongside a great end-user experience.
Our comprehensive approach to #cybersecurity also stood out and resonated with many people from the industry who stopped by our booth, including utilities and technology providers. Our most recent charging controller implements the latest advances in hardware and software security while also factoring in critical supply chain considerations. 🔒⚡️
Join us at booth 4057 tomorrow to discover the latest advancements in technology that IoTecha is bringing to the table, aimed at turning today’s challenges into great opportunities! 🌎